Online On-Demand Candle Services

Finding qualified professional repair services can be a challenge. If you search “Repair and Maninteneace Services near me,” odds are you’ll find dozens of companies, but many of them are either too busy to take care of your problem or don’t have the right qualifications for the job.

Candle Crew makes it easy to get electrical repair services when you need them.

Because It’s Fast and Easy

With Candle Crew, you can cut down the time spent searching and focus on more important things.

To Save Money on all Repairs & Maintenance

Most service & maintenance pros charge by the hour—and round up on their bills. All services sourced through Candle Crew, however, are billed down to the minute—so you only pay for the time that the electrician is actually there.

Because You Need a Qualified Technician

Many states require that technicians have a specific certification from a state-level board for safety reasons. Candle Crew thoroughly vets each technician in our own network to verify their industry certifications as well as their criminal background so you know you can trust the maintenance services you’ll be getting.

To Have Peace of Mind

Candle Crew maintenance services are backed by Rs. 10,000 guarantee and a minimum of Rs. 1M insurance coverage. If something goes wrong with your home electrical repair service, we’ll work to make it right.

We are Candle!

We stand behind our installations for the lifespan of every system.